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Luotian County/罗田县 Badihe Township/八迪河乡等 438633
Luotian County/罗田县 Dongchongfan Xiangji Villages/东冲畈乡及所属各村等 438631
Luotian County/罗田县 Qidaohe Township/七道河乡等 438624
Luotian County/罗田县 Sanliqiao Township/三里桥乡等 438603
Luotian County/罗田县 Luotuoao District and Villages/骆驼坳区及所属各乡、村等 438616
Luotian County/罗田县 Gumiaohe Xiang, Yueshan Xiang, Wanshouqiao/古庙河乡、月山乡、万寿桥等 438614
Luotian County/罗田县 Beifeng Township/北丰乡等 438605
Luotian County/罗田县 Yejiahe Township/叶家河乡等 438611
Luotian County/罗田县 Shiyuanhe Township/石源河乡等 438604
Luotian County/罗田县 Shiqiaopu Township/石桥铺乡等 438612